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Sister K. Laplante

Sometimes we lose sight of what the gospel is all about. We can try to build our testimonies on many different things: on the priesthood, on the church’s history, on the churches humanitarian work etc etc etc. All though these are all worthy and righteous things to have testimonies of, they may not be able to withstand the constant corrosion of the world and it’s opinions. Placing all importance on those principles may lead us to fall. The only sure foundation we will find is in Jesus Christ. When we build our lives on him, his grace, his example, his sacrifice, his purpose as our brother, we will never fall because we are already in his loving arms.

I am so thankful for the chance to share the beautiful message of peace that comes only through our saviour. He loves you, he knows you and he cares. I promise that as you come to him and center your life on him, you will find greater peace amidst the constant fear, anxiety and sadness in this life. I have come to know this is true by sincerely trying it, if you do, you will come to know it’s true too.

Sister K. Laplante

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