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Sister E. Gotchy

Hey anyone who is currently taking the time to read this! My name is Sister Gotchy, and I have a testimony. You may ask, "about what?" or you may pay no mind, but I wanted to share it with you. I have chosen to come out on what is called a mission for my church. And what I do while on my Mission is full time. I teach people about Jesus Christ and how to find faith in Him, and most importantly to stand as a witness of God. And what that entails is sharing with people what I know. I know that God loves all of us so much. I know that He knows us so individually, that we can always turn to Him. I know that Christ payed the price for us, I know that God has restored His church to the earth today, and gives us direction through a living prophet. I know that the book of Mormon is the word of God. And most importantly I know, that you can gain a testimony too of these things. You don't have to take my word for it. So I ask you to please pray and ask God if the Book of Mormon is true, and if the things we teach as missionaries is true. God is the source of all truth, and He will answer your sincere questions. I say this in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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